

Well, I won't grace it with a description

Joined Jan 2022 15 Following2 Followers
About Nongagos

I write lyrics for videogame songs!

Self Taught Since - 2021

Instructed by

I mainly act for the fun of it

What Nongagos is looking for

Looking to write songs and produce musicals 

  • @jickyjam

    I played Asriel here,

    and working with Nongagos was a deeply rewarding experience. It was my first ever project - and yet, due to his creative vision, his lyrics, his ideas, it turned into just an amazing product. Going back through my messages with him, the flexibility, understanding, and ability to stay professional under deep amounts of pressure in a short time frame is unimaginably impressive. Somehow, despite all the work he was doing to ensure this video had a fabulous launch, he managed to stay responsive, engaged, and fully equipped to manage the project all through his long hours and labors.

    Thanks to him, I was able to have a relatively stress-free environment for my first big recording, and also thanks to him, I'm able to look back on it with a positive memory and excitement to move forward.

    If you're on the fence about working with him, I implore you - put in the effort, believe in the process, and your touch with his creative talents will be able to make something truly amazing.

    If you have any question about my experience with him, feel free to message me at @huskyhsdobbs on twitter - Fears about committing to a project through this site are completely understandable, so I'd be glad to allay any of those fears you may have about working with Nongagos.

    Have a great day y'all!

  • @bub8les

    Great lyrical writer, voice actor and singer!