Myx Melling

Myx Melling

Aspiring voice actor ready to take on the world with the power of gayness

Joined Jul 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About Myx Melling

I've loved doing different voices and playing characters as long as I can remember, so here I am! I'd say I have a pretty good range. I can go high, low, breathy, femboy, lively, monotone, happy, sad, anything ya want! Plus I can sing fairly well if that's needed. I'm pretty flexible with time zones too.


Honestly I'm mostly trying to build experience right now, so pricing doesn't really matter. A bit of money would be nice though :)

What Myx Melling is looking for

I'd love to voice act for animations and video games, as my goal is to play characters, but I wouldn't say I'm exactly picky at the moment.