@Kyber157Just a friendly teenage girl who's ready to help.
Hello There!
I'm Kyber, a fourteen year old amateur actor/voice actor, along with having photography and video editing experience.
I have experience with a little bit of everything, but I'm really good at acting, singing and dancing along with some experience with video editing.
I have been acting since I was ten years old.
Taking video editing/photography classes in High School (Taking them right now!)
Been writing stories/scripts for 3 years now (Since I was eleven)
Roles I have played
-Candle seller (Village Ensemble) (Beauty and the Beast JR) at age 13
-Jet Blue Pilot/Law Student Ensemble/Bailiff (Legally Blonde JR) at age 14
-Graypaw/Graystripe (VA work for the youtuber Splicefur) at age 13-14.
-Female Servant and Soldier Chorus (Antigone) at age 14
Taking this class as a Freshman (9th Grade) at my local high school.
I took this class in 7th-8th grade at my local Middle School.
I'm looking for anything and everything!