@KcDragonGamer18Just a small Dyslexic 17 girl, writing series and acting with a speech impediment :)))))) just trying to entertain people.
Hey, My name is Keely, I am a 17-year-old actor, and I'm starting my second year in college. I'm here on the app to get voice actors, body actors, animations and maybe editors to help create my stories come to life on YouTube. I am an actor who is voicing characters in my stories and looking for an amazing talented team to help bring my dreams come true. Have a lovely day. My youtube creative Team is called "The Purple Dragon"
I don't mind! if the series gets successful I would like money, (I'm 17 with no job). I pay people if my series gets successful. If not Money is illusion! :))))
I am looking for Minecraft voice actors, Animatiors, Video editing, Minecraft modder, Minecraft body acting and more, for my Minecraft series, Before Time.