

"But there are some things that you cannot be sure of. You must take a chance. if you wait for perfect weather, you will never plant your seeds. If you are afraid that every cloud will bring rain, you will never harvest your crops." Ecclesiastes 11:4

Joined Aug 2024 29 Following29 Followers
About Seikishi

❰❰❰ Who IS This Guy, Chat? ❱❱❱

  • ﴾﴾﴾ What's up! You could honestly guess what my actual name is based on my username but incase you can't connect the dots, I go by Jeffery and or Joseph and I'm 19 years old!

  • ﴾﴾﴾ I know almost everyone says it when they write an "about me" page but really, becoming a Voice Actor has been a dream of mine for a very long time! Ever since I learned that that the characters that I looked up to and thought were cool were voiced by REAL people, I knew exactly what I wanted to pursue!

  • ﴾﴾﴾ During my time in High-School, I wasn't a very "sporty" kid. Yeah people, I was one of THOSE kids. The ones who would actively talk to walls practicing his speeches and scripts. But it all paid off! I received many individual rewards during the One-Act Season and even became a State Runner-up for the Serious Prose category for Competitive Speech in the state of Nebraska! So, I can 100% act my heart out!

  • ﴾﴾﴾ I'm also a Christian and Jesus is my Savior! One of the key factors about me!


Demos & Samples
Voice Acting Demo Reel
animation/charactermovie trailerEmotionalHerorobotanimevillainfunnydarkanimation

My First Ever Demo Reel That I've Made! I wrote everything you hear except for one monologue that's taken from on of my favorite games! I gathered all of my sounds from! I hope you enjoy!

Anime/Gaming Emotional Bits
video gameanimation/characterdarkEmotionalSadanimedeath noteDemon slayerPersonavillain

These are lines taken from actual Anime/Games (except for the last bit. I wrote that myself) that I did for fun but also to prove that emotional bits are my best work!

  • @Hansinator

    He is energetic, friendly, motivated, a dream to work with and has an amazing voice!
    What else could you possibly want?

  • @Zekrom

    Known him for a few years now once he sets his mind to something he has passion for theres no stopping him he might be new to this voice acting thing but hes putting in the work and will surprise you given the chance

  • @catherineowen1_

    Joseph, is a hard working young man who has dreams of making it big in the industry. He has a passion for acting and a creative mind. Joseph works day and night to send out the perfect project, and takes criticism very well. Kind, hardworking kid who enjoys every bit of creating. 

  • @xBlinkzy

    Joseph has been a very good friend of mine for a long time. Over this long period I have watched him grow immensely and and learn a lot of valuable life skills. One thing I have always noticed about Joseph is that whatever he is passionate about, he tries his absolute hardest and excels in these areas. I have never seen Joseph so passionate about anything like he is about voice acting. Through our years, I have been teammates and classmates with him. I can assure you he is always a hard working individual and an even better voice actor

  • @FAQ_the_System

    Jeffery was incredibly easy to work with. Great understanding of the directions, good communication, amazing delivery. If you have the chance keep Jeffery in mind. Look forward to continue working with him!