
Aspiring voice actor and 2D Artist!

Joined Dec 2023 0 Following2 Followers
About Jay

Good to meet'cha! Call me Jay. I identify as nonbinary, and I'm an aspiring voice actor. I've come to the realization that this is something I'd like to do after hours upon hours of time reading along to games I play, playing in Dungeons and Dragons campaigns, and listening to people talk from all sides of the world and put on display their accents. Their own unique ways of conveyance. I find language and speaking beautiful and I'd love to continue to share that awe I feel towards voices through the realm of voice acting!

Outside of this, I am also a hobbyist in 2D Art and have tried my hand at animation. I have an interest in fashion and character design. I am a big fan of the Kamen Rider series, as well. I like to try my hand at everything I possibly can and am more than willing to make myself helpful in any way I find myself able. And I am ever so hopeful that I can help you out with your project by providing my voice!