Inks Comics

Inks Comics

Voice Actor of 5 Years (Self Taught) can do mid-high range to low range voices

Joined Dec 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About Inks Comics

I'm Inks Comics, but my real name is Simon. I'm a 17 year old, Filipino, who is looking to do more with his talents as a voice actor. I started doing voice overs when I was 12 up until now, and I've only been doing my own projects, which have been doing comic dubs on my youtube channel. I am trying to do this full time and professionally, for people to enjoy the videos I'm in and give them the same feeling I had when I was younger while watching cartoons and comics dubs.


Voice Overs/Acting

$3.00 Per Line

What Inks Comics is looking for

  • Comic dubs

  • Animations

  • Indie series

  • Video games

  • Cartoons

  • Anime. 

I am trying to do as much as I can, and hopefully get more experience and build up my resume.