

Artist and intermediate 2D animator with a burning story that needs funds to exist, soooo... Hi,feel free to hire me :)

Joined Jan 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About Haileyyy

Hi there!


My name's Hailey. I'm a kid in Uganda, don't worry, I have I'm not starving. I have a strong passion for art and a love of characters. I'm not particularly here to voice act but maybe one day.



I'm just another one of those human beings who randomly came up with a character one day and then proceeded to fall in love with them to the point when they were on my mind on a daily basis (they still are).



Point is, said character has a story which I love to the moon and back. I've watched about a million and a half writing videos so that I can daydream of the day it wins like 3 Oscars and I can die happy.

Now the thing is, as much as I love my story, it needs money if I want it to ever exist and I, am apparently, a child. I'm nowhere close to getting this thing out into the world when I look at budgets of animated series that already exist because, yes, this is going to be a series because I believe that's the only way my characters can have justice.



So, as of this moment, I'm willing to do some work if it'll eventually help me get any closer to having my own show. That's like my whole stitch, thanks. :)

What Haileyyy is looking for

Well at the moment I'm looking for work where I'm paid to draw stuff. That's basically it.