

a silly little guy

Joined Mar 2024 1 Following2 Followers
About Sorinnnnnn


I mainly work with film including video editing on Adobe AE, and I actually enjoy keyframing

I've worked on real life projects involving carrying a camera and taking shots, (filming a theatric play in real time that didn't go wrong at all, was one time) along with scriptwriting and storyboarding.

Currently I am quite poor, so I make use with rentals and my closet.

I enjoy horror, a lot, specifically that of analogue horror, ARGs, and disturbing pieces of media like, breathes

Your Turn to Die, Inscription and Pet Island by Daniel Mullens, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, Local 58, GREYLOCK, Monument Mythos (even though it's kind of confusing) The Walton Files, White Stag Education, TSV, - The Sun Vanished, (the story is actually showcased through twitter tweets, which is great for readers to piece together what's happening while feeling like a detective, that's what I love about this genre) Vita Carnis, Winter of 83 (originally an April Fools joke), The Children Under the House, etc.

I also like card games like yugioh and pokemon. :)


I will do anything for free. haha