Edward J Jorgenson
Edward J Jorgenson
@Edward_J_JorgensonFollowing my dream as a voice actor. Check out my linktree! https://linktr.ee/edwardjjorgenson
Hey, you found me.
I'm Edward J Jorgenson, a dynamic Voice actor living in the middle of the United States. I have a passion for story, both for telling and experiencing them.
I have done a bit of work as an audiobook narrator, so I am accustomed to long booth sessions, but I really want to expand into animation and video games. My hobbies include but are not limited to building cosplays for myself and friends, playing the games my cosplays are typically from, and singing.
I will happily exchange discord information to serious parties.
Don't hesitate to drop me a line. I'd love to check out, and maybe be a part of your next project.
Check it out, I met some fellow Snakes at Popcon Indy!
Here is a sample of what I can do. It will be added to as time goes on.
- A demo of a classic dwarven voice talking about classic dwarven things. Namely, mines and "the deep." #youregonnahavetotossme #diggydiggyhole.
- A mock injury attorney ad
- An eastern European gangster
- A wizard feeling under the weather
- A typical narration voice
Very open for discussion.
Roles in videogames and animation but I would love just to collaborate with other actors.
2022 Voice Actor/Actress (Voice Actor)