@DramaUniverseDrama In Elementary ( Original Gacha Series)
Drama in Elementary is an Original Gacha series.
Drama in Elementary is a Series About the Smith Triplets, Hope a Kind Person With A Good Mindset, Mohammed A Determined Person, Sumo a Bully who Display Aggressive Behavior Towards His Siblings. Throughout the Series The Smith Triplets Start 4th grade, Friends Are Made, Perspectives Changes, Arguments Happens, Fights Happens, And Most Importantly A lot of Drama Happens.
Drama in Middle school is a Season 2 to the series Drama in Elementary, the characters become 7th graders now, what challenges will they face?
Color collision - an original gacha series that revolve around 8 characters who represent a color, they all compete to see who is the better color
Where Can I watch Drama In Elementary?
Drama In Elementary Is avalible to watch on youtube Now!