

new and looking for some fun projects to work on! Hope I can bring your characters to life!

Joined Sep 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About Dayton

Marine Corps veteran who just got out recently and looking to follow my passions for entertainment! 26 years old and have always gravitated towards the role of class clown, acting, and just all around fun! I stream on Twitch and throughout my time there my viewers, family, and friends suggest I try voice acting! SO here I am looking to help bring someone's project to life. I am constantly doing voice impressions in all walks of life ranging from english accents to a random monsters or even some edgy anime voice lines. My Twitch chats favorites would be vegita, deku, and that sneaky edge lord anime voice. Anyway I hope I can help voice your next project soon!!!

What Dayton is looking for

anime, video games, indie films, anything but audio books!