

Screenwriter, recent graduate, aspiring TV writer. Also hobbyist animator. :)

Joined Nov 2021 70 Following33 Followers
About DakotaGregoric

Dakota Gregoric is a recent graduate of San Jose State's film program. He is an aspiring writer, director, and editor with a passion for narrative filmmaking. He has written and directed several short films that have won awards for directing, editing, and story.

While he is not an animator by trade, he enjoys the medium as a way to tell his stories.

Website: https://dakotagregoric.com

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdyZdS6Gha46cWlXcTCPw_A

IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm12348401/?ref_=nmbio_bio_nm

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DakotaGregoric