

Voice Actor and Writer. I hope I can do a good job, and bring life to your characters!

Joined Jul 2022 28 Following33 Followers
About CriminalCJ

Discord: criminalcj - Timezone: GMT

Hey there! I'm CJ, a 21 year-old Voice Actor from England. I've been Voice Acting for 3 years now as a fun hobby. I'm looking to voice act for others, and do major voice work in various awesome projects! Always down for a challenge.

One of the main ongoing projects I am apart of is the YouTube Channel 'FortShorts', consisting of the creation of Fortnite Short Films, Skits and more. Primarily based on the game's lore, using in-game Skins, and adapting it into high-quality films for viewers to enjoy. With a bloody brilliant Voice Cast, behind a widely diverse range of characters & factions.

Looking for me to voice act for your project?

Feel free to message me directly via a CCC message, email, or Discord. If you could provide details such as info about yourself, the project, and any images, links, or inspirations for the character help me get a better idea of what you're after!


Happy to work for free!

What CriminalCJ is looking for

Looking for a range of voice work. I love Voice Acting, and I desire to keep getting better at it. But, I'm also eager to push myself out there for many types of projects!

  • @l-brick-studios

    I have taken @CriminalCJ on board as "MAGNI THORSON" in my upcoming LEGO Marvel Ragnarok brick-film series on YouTube. at present he has only voiced in one episode but i am so impressed with his skill and performance that i cannot wait to watch him bring the character to life in further episodes. 

    A very enthusiastic and talented artist that i would highly recommend him to all!