

Writer, Game Developer & Designer

Joined Feb 2022 14 Following9 Followers
About Christopher

Hello there, thank you for checking out my profile!

As you already may have noticed from my username, my name is Christopher and I am a writer and game developer. 

I usually use this account to review the auditions many talented voice actors submit for my titles, so if you receive a comment on your submission' that's most likely me.

What other things can I write...? Oh!

I attend a game design course where I continue to learn the in's and outs of various engines and I also mostly work from home on the days that I am free, working on my ideas and improving them all while I have a bowl of instant ramen noodles by my side' below, you can find a FAQ if you find yourself curious as to my identity.


How old are you?

"I am 17 years old."

What are your pronouns?


Are you a UK resident?

"Born and raised."

( I am however half-Filipino, but British in the accent. )

Favourite Anime?

"Stein's; Gate."

What made you want to make games?

"Just about what made others want to make games, they hold endless possibilities and growing up, the ideas you want to input into that kind of media really stay with you if you're dedicated."

"Not entirely related to the question, but I genuinely want to make games to make people happy and to give them a good story. I also pour a little of myself into each of my titles, new and upcoming'."

Can you give me information on your next game?

"No, everything stays secret unless you're working with me as a voice actor, writer or in the team."

Can I send you a message for any inquiries?

"You can send me a message on CCC, I'll try and reply as soon as possible."

Can I talk to you about anything?

"As nice as that sounds, I am constantly busy with work of my own making so please' do not reach out to me on Discord unless it's something that is of importance."

"I value my own privacy just like a lot of people."

Will you be attending any game-related events for your titles?

"That's a secret ;)."


Are you entirely professional?


Is game development your full-time job?

"At the moment? No. I'm terrible at socialising outside of my own home and it's difficult to say that there are any jobs that would willingly accept me, plus the chances of these jobs fitting my own interests are all zero, I plan on making game development my full-time job sometime around half term."

Do you like ramen? If so, what is your favourite flavour?

"I'm generally picky about the flavours if I don't have them at home, think of me as a "Noodle Connoisseur" of sorts."

"Okay okay, fine. I won't drag this out.."

"My favourite ramen flavour is chicken, with a side of spice added to it and fried egg if i'm feeling greedy."

Are there times where you can show things about your titles yourself?

"Of course! If I am feeling pretty generous, I will go out of my way to share an image from one of my titles, this is only in the off-chance that it's existing and half of the voice actors who know of my title have auditioned for it."

District Training - 2022

Game Design Course

Instructed by Manuel Rodriguez


I learn more of game design, through utilizing various game engines like Unity and also making sure my coding is correct.