C K Lucas

C K Lucas

Hi I am C.K.Lucas    VO by day, Nurse by night.     Feel free to contact me through Discord : @cklucas          I am always up for trying on a new voice.       Please let me know if any adjustments are necessary; I am very good at taking notes.

Joined Sep 2023 0 Following0 Followers
About C K Lucas

CK Lucas is 41 going on 16 and currently lives in Florida with her 8 year-old and their Corgie. She has been a Registered Nurse for 10 years and absolutely loves her calling in that field, howeveer she also has a love for voice acting that has been cultiated through a youth of narration for her younger siblings and re-enactments of all things animated. As the eldest, CK always got the best lines and vocal excersizes as the villians to her sister's heroines.

While most of her work thus far has only been for fan projects, she is always up to pitch in and lend a voice to any fun project.
