Khloe Faria

About Khloe Faria

Hi! I’m Khloe, I've messed around voicing things for about 8 years! I'm interested in working in all kinds of voice work, but I especially love video game and anime projects. I love to meet new people and make new friends, so I hope to find fun projects with lots of new people to explore my growth in voice acting! My voice can sound quite child-like, and stays in the upper medium to high range, but I do like to step out of my comfort zone to try new parts.

If you have a project you think I would be interested in or that you'd like me to try for, feel free to contact me!


My rates are flexible - you can send me what your budget is and I would be happy to work with it. I occasionally do projects for free if I'm particularly interested, like for indie video games or student animation projects!

What Khloe Faria is looking for

I would really love to work in video games and animations! I'm a huge fan of anime and games, so bringing characters in them to life is a huge dream of mine.

  • @cosmiccosmo

    She’s a very sweet friend, one who I’ve worked with as a fellow voice actor, and who has also been in my own directed project! If you’re looking for a peppy teen girl voice, or an Ann in your Persona 5 project ;) ... she’s your gal!

  • @trevzed

    8edhead has so much wonderful talent to share to whatever project she touches. Cute voices, strong voices, emotional voices, she will bring an amazing take to all of them. She's been super sweet to work alongside and she's been a go-to for several projects. Crystal clear quality and a great attitude.

  • @mokaui

    Literally one of the sweetest people I have ever met!! Khloe is such an amazing friend, and in addition to that, they’re also a phenomenal voice actor! It honestly blows my mind. They have a very sweet and lovely voice, and their ability to showcase emotion is to an incredible extent.

  • @dyphinoide

    8edhead is not only a wildly talented up and coming VA, but she is a friendly, approachable and supportive friend.

    She will take what you ask of her and absolutely blow it out of the water. Got an emotional scene you need dubbed? Better than the original. Got an idea you want to get a second opinion on? Makes it 1000x better. She has the Midas touch of creativity, every project she touches turns to gold.

    She is super humble and downplays her own abilities quite often, she is much more talented than she lets on and I wouldn't be surprised to see her in some professional dubs by big studios within the next couple years.

    She is a kind hearted person who has helped everyone in my project grow, everyone has had nothing but nice things to say about her and it's easy to see why. She is always upfront about any (though extremely rare) scheduling issues immediately so you never have any unexpected delays.

    8edhead will spend every waking moment that isn't at work refining her creative abilities. She is always looking for new ways to push her already incredible talents to the next level and never wavers. It's genuinely inspiring to see how passionate she is about her VA work and her own projects.

    She is dependable, friendly, funny, supportive, talented, humble, hard working, easy to talk to, interesting, honest, and I wouldn't give her up for the world, I am blessed to have her in my project and you will be too.