

Joined Nov 2018 6 Following0 Followers
About 20137lexi

Hello! My name is Alexis but you can call me by Lexi, just cause it's shorter Keke.  Right now I am teenager in high school(might change lol) and I'm very interested in voice acting.  I get a lot of inspiration from Disney films and Anime.  I found this website recently, and tbh it's actually pretty fun(props to the creator!ヽ(´▽`)ノ  Adding on, just to let yall know, I'm a beginner at voice acting, and I know it'll take time to master my voice, but I'm always up for a challenge!  Also, I'm really impressed by the number of talented people here on this website.  So keeping pushing and good luck to all of you! (。◕‿◕。)