

Joined Sep 2019 26 Following24 Followers
About YuriHaruVA

Hello, there! I didn't think anyone would stumble upon my page. 

My name is Kai De Los Reyes, but I'm mostly known by my internet name, Yuri. I am a nonbinary voice actor and singer; I have been singing since I was little, but I've only been a voice actor (on the internet) for a few years.

As a kid, I would do impressions of my favorite characters, and a lot of my friends at school would see me as a voice actor in the future. I didn't get my start until 2017, dubbing a FNaF comic (yes, I was in THAT fandom). I was only 13 at the time, and I didn't know about how to be a voice actor.

After that, I became mostly unknown at the time. Until, in 2018, when I auditioned for a Sonic fangame. It was called "Sonic.exe: Spirits of Hell", and I was auditioning for Cream, Amy, and Tails. I only ended up getting Tails and Cream, but the exposure the game had threw my voice into the limelight. Soon, the developer for Sally.exe Continued Nightmare, JaizKoys, wanted me to voice act for his games and subsequent projects.

Almost three years later, and a LOT has happened since then. I voiced for a few more games, got interviewed by one of my friends, left the Sonic fandom and found some new interests, the usual.

That doesn't mean I'm not voice acting anymore. FAR from it! I'm looking to not only excel at the voices I'm already good at, but also to try and broaden my vocal range. I usually try to stick to a specific voice description, but I'm not afraid to get out of my comfort zone every once in a while. 

I'm known for voicing sweet and peppy characters in the series I've voiced in, but I've also done the occasional bratty, bitchy types. I have YET to voice a true villain; I don't think my voice is suited for that, unfortunately.. ;-;

That's all for now! Hopefully this describes me well (I was literally writing this by the seat of my pants). See you soon!

Discord (fastest way to contact me): Girlfriend.xml#2330
Twitter (most active social media): twitter.com/YuriHaru567


I'm now doing voice commissions!

As of now, I'm charging $8 USD for 50 words, but I will charge an additional $0.25 USD for every word above 50. For example, a 67-word script would cost $12.25 USD.

You can pay me on PayPal here (ignore my deadname in the profile): Paypal.me

What YuriHaruVA is looking for

I'm open to both original and fan projects. I want to join other projects to have fun and to get the experience. I joined CCC after one of my voice actor friends recommended me this site.