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Search all 519 live actor japanese(singing) profiles
Aspiring Voice Actress
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Thank you for dropping by my page! My name  is Shiana Henry, age 27. I'm currently taking voice acting classes because you can never take too many! My discord is shyshia #5181
Accents: british
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hiya! I'm Kittychan but you I call me Kitty or Kitten. I love to voice act and sing. Currently, I do this just for a hobby but someday I would definitely love to make this one of my jobs! It's been my dream to voice act since I  was small! I am currently a college student, studying very hard to reach my dreams! Current Projects I'm in:
<LadyofCourage>Ranma DoCo Fandub - Singer and Voice Actor (Ranma Saotome [Female]), Co-Director
Sailor Moon: Moonlight Denetsu-Singer and Voice Actor and Co-Director(Chibi Usa)
<KKCody>Animal Crossing: The Movie (Fandub)- Voice Actor (Ai)
<はつねみく>Love x Friends - Voice Actor (Izzy Uzumaki)
<AtemLover27>Welcome to Ouran Academy -Voice Actor (Honey Mitsukuni)
<Flufffluff>Urara Meirochou Fandub -Voice actor (Chiya)
<Goopsy21>Yotsuba -Voice Actor (Yotsuba)
<Orion Zaxs>Star Wars: The Clone Wars...
I love voice acting and singing and hope to continue that passion with everyone!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Hi! I am a voice actor and a singer! And I look forward to working with everyone in the future thank you!
Voice Description: female adult male adult
Search all 519 live actor japanese(singing) profiles