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Hello! My name's Amanda, and I'm a 23-year old American female, stationed in California. I'm easiest to contact on Discord, Twitter, or my email at [email protected].
I am a Voice Actor and Artist
As a practicing voice artist, I'm looking to get my foot in the door, and I'm eager to learn all sorts of new things. My range can reach both high and medium pitches, while my tone is generally feminine with natural inflection, no matter the voice I provide. If it works for the role, I can even take advantage of my mild stutter. 
My best voices:Calm, quiet, mature, and subduedDitzy, squeaky, girly, and excitableSoft, timid, shy female Scratchy, nasally, and gravelly Low, slow, and dumb male
Business-related strengths:Willing to learn new voices and tricksThrives on a stable routineFairly flexible scheduleReceptive to feedbackAttention to detailCooperative attitude 
Speaks: english
Accents: american
Search all 8554 artist Rode NT2-A profiles