

YouTuber | Animator | Writer | And perhaps, your latest casting choice? 😎💪

Joined Jan 2023 2 Following1 Followers
About Spy

How's it going? Allow me to introduce myself. I go by my brand name of "Spy Jay", and I'm a YouTuber with over 20k subscribers. In addition to that, I'm pretty versatile when it comes to my skills, so I primarily like to call myself a "creative". The most creative thing about me is that I'm an A/V guy & storyteller. I like to make videos, tell stories, & bring things to life that can have an impact on others in a positive/innovative way. 

When I was getting certified in things like Adobe Premiere Pro in high school, my instructor told us that when we get out there, they're going to want the person who can do the most. Like being a video editor, but one who can also animate & storyboard. This inspired me to enhance my capacity to explore other areas within my expertise, and one of those things happens to be voice acting! I played roles in my own series' when I was younger, but now that I've grown I would like to go a more serious route & see where it leads! While it's not the only thing I'm open to, the open door to it was definitely what encouraged me to sign up for CCC.

If ANY questions or inquiries, please feel more than welcome to contact me on any of my outlets. I look forward to the discussion!


Since I'm just starting out with my purpose on this platform, I don't have an asking price. However, I do believe that there are a number of factors that add onto the value of my inclusion in any project. Therefore, any paid inquiries will be highly appreciated & treated with top priority.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: There's been a handful of people reaching out to inquire with me about unpaid roles/jobs, and unfortunately I've been too busy with my paid tasks to consider them. I don't want to pollute my schedule or make any promises on unpaid work, so at this time I'm only accepting paid inquiries.

What Spy is looking for

As mentioned in my About, the main encouragement to joining CCC was to voice act, but that's not the only thing I'm here for. I would like to voice act for a brand or project that would look good with the rest of the things on my resume, but while I'm here, I would also like to take on any other opportunities that interest me. To name a few ideas:

- Minecraft Projects (Exclusive SMPs, Roleplaying Series, etc.) 

- Voice Acting Variations: Audiobooks & Song Vocals (Experimentally)

- Creative Direction

Those are things that I'm primarily looking for. Here are a few things that I'm also open to:

- Video Editing

- Thumbnails

- Writing (Articles, Reviews, Scripts, Descriptions, Stories, etc.)Â