Sparrow Delgado

Sparrow Delgado

Joined Jul 2019 12 Following6 Followers
About Sparrow Delgado


Please disregard my undeadname over there, didn't want to pay actual irl money to change it on this website -- please call me Sparrow, and thank you for dropping by here! 💙

I'm a 28 year old person who has had a passing interest in voice acting for a long time, and as of late I've become more serious about pursuing that path now that I can see some doors opening up for me in the form of being picked up by Nick Cruz, formerly of Open House Studio.

I served as the Narrator for the Persona Q LIVE Audio Play that took place August 2019 [link to come when ready], and I'm interested in doing even more!

In addition to VA and narration, I have a fondness for music as well, doing vocal covers of songs and making original compositions in MAGIX Music Maker when I have the time and ability to.