Rone and Bomby

Rone and Bomby

I am a person destined to improve my ways as a potential voice actor. 

Joined May 2023 0 Following0 Followers
About Rone and Bomby

I'm Rone from Rone and Bomby, a youtube channel made way back at the end of  2016. As of right now, the abilities I have to offer here are "voice actor" (Meloclas) and skin designer. I may also begin to make thumbnails to help out the cause. I've taken part in 2 musicals, both playing some major and minor roles. I'm also the director of the Big Block Singsong Reboot Project, a fan-made continuation of the original Big Block Singsong by Warren Brown and Adam Goddard.

What Rone and Bomby is looking for

I am currently in search of female vocalists for my project because the previous one we had left.