Rhys Jennings

Rhys Jennings

Award-winning voice actor with home studio. Currently Loki in Marvel Move. London based. 

Joined Apr 2023 3 Following6 Followers
About Rhys Jennings

Video Games. Loki in Marvel Move: Asgard 5K (Marvel), Jack Holden in Zombies Run and spin-off Jack and Eugene's World Tour, Velichor in Dragon Flight, Abaddon in both Satan Claus and Hell's Bells (Six to Start).

Audio Drama. Winner of the BBC Radio Carleton Hobbs Award. Acted in 30+ radio dramas for the BBC Radio Drama Company. Audio adventures for Big Finish Productions include: Captain Pascal in Doctor Who: The Curse of Davros, Slaygar in The Adventures of Bernice Summerfield: Truant, Cage Zorn in Vienna: The Lady From Callisto Rhys, Phillips in Bernice Summerfield: The Phantom Wreck, Dorian/Rory in Confessions of Dorian Gray: The Prime of Deacon Brodie, Felix in The Lone Centurion.

Audiobooks. Audible titles include Lesser Known Monsters and sequel The Bone Gate by Rory Michaelson, The Sayers: Tried and Tested, Lee Duffy: The Whole of the Moon and Lee Duffy Blood Moon (Gadfly Press, Dealing With Procrastination by Marlon Swartz.

Corporate Voiceover. Clients include: MI5 Training, Swipezoom, Data Design, UK Music, Pratham International, Five Minute Post, None of That, The Lowe Cloud, Colt, UK Data Services, Over 1000+ real estate audio tours for Focal Agent.

Home Studio. Sennheiser MK4 Condenser Mic, Audio Treatment, Pop Shield, iZotope RX Standard, Adobe Audition, Audacity & Twisted Wave, Riverside FM and Source Connect user. 

Royal Welsh Colege of Music and Drama - 2009

Acting: 3 Year BA Hons (Degree)

Instructed by RWCMD

- Winner of the Carleton Hobbs Award
- Spotlight Prize Nominee
- BADC Stage Combat Levels 1 & 2
- Degree 2:1


Variable project depending. Please Enquire.
