Ode McGuire

Ode McGuire

Hail Dictionis! Grant us clear voices, strong sound, and good reads!

Joined Jul 2023 1 Following2 Followers
About Ode McGuire

After a childhood and adolescence nothing but of choir, theatre, writing, and art classes, I was doomed to dedicate my attention to creative pursuits. Between painting miniatures and assembling collages, I ended up with a podcast (so say we all) and decided I was comfortable enough in front of a mic to branch out into that creative space too. Currently hip-deep in trying to break into audiobooks, I'm also looking to experiment with less longform narratives and more collaborative projects.


Flexible rates depending on time investment in a project-- for long-term projects, minimum wage of $10 per working hour. Ask about short-term project compensation.

What Ode McGuire is looking for

Most interested in audiodramas/podcasts. I'm working to expand my performance skills and develop a few Reliable Accents, which are skills I'll also be able to bring over the audiobook side of my work.