

I am an aspiring EDM/Game music producer with side-hobbies of doodling/voice-acting, coming from a background of software development! I also love playing rhythm games (like DDR) too much.

Joined Aug 2020 2 Following1 Followers
About shoopa

Hey there! 

I'm a friendly person who loves to get involved in a lot of projects, big or small, that relate to fandoms and things I love doing! My favorite fandoms are Sonic the Hedgehog and Omori at the moment, but generally like a lot of things. I am trying to figure out what I like to do for fun as I'm taking a break from work (due to being laid-off) - and I figured I wanted to get into producing more music and voice acting for a lot of fun voices! I plan to start a fun mini channel for doing voice acting takes and to learn a lot on how to expand my voice's ability to renact voices we all know and love. I am a Bass/Alto voice and like to speak in softer tones.

Ask me about my hobbies! You can also check out my linktree to get the gist of what I do ^^