

A voice actor and artist who wishes to be known <3

Joined Oct 2023 0 Following0 Followers
About Mizuu


Hello, everyone! My name is Mizuu, but you can also call me Kaii. I use she/her pronouns and I identify as a woman. 


I'm a voice actor and an artist. I mostly do join fandubs of anime, games, and cartoons, but I also enjoy drawing fanart and original characters.ABOUT ME:

I'm a voice actor and an artist. I mostly do join fandubs of anime, games, and cartoons, but I also enjoy drawing fanart and original characters.


I am a singer with a mezzo-soprano voice type, which means that I can sing comfortably in the middle range of the female vocal spectrum. My voice has a warm and rich timbre, and I can express a variety of emotions and styles with it. My vocal range spans from about A3 (the A below middle C) to A5 (the A two octaves above middle C), although I can sometimes extend it slightly higher or lower depending on the song. I enjoy singing classical, jazz, pop, and musical theatre genres, and I always strive to improve my technique and musicality.


Singing is one of my passions, but I'm still learning and improving every day. I like to listen to different genres of music and practice different styles of singing. I also like to watch musicals and learn from the performers.


Also, I'm graphic designer who enjoys creating various designs for fun. I also have some skills in editing and I have applied them to animate and edit episodes of PJSEKAI (Project Sekai) in fandubs. I always try to deliver high-quality work and satisfy everyone's needs.

END (I might remake it):

I hope you will find something interesting or entertaining here. I also hope to make some friends and connect with other voice actors and artists (also others!).

Thank you for visiting and reading this introduction. I hope we get along well!

( You can learn more about me from my carrd ! )