Cai Spinner

Cai Spinner

Cai Spinner | They/them | 19 | Jen in Victory Fire Pokémon Comic Dub | Vanilla Bean in Butterfly | Lucy in White Rose Comic Dub | Various Extras in Saetwo's Story

Joined Jan 2021 19 Following7 Followers
About Cai Spinner

Hi! I'm Lemon_Sloth, but you can call me Cai (pronounced like the letter K). I am 18 years old and love voice acting and writing. I can't imagine doing anything besides acting, whether on stage or on television or even teaching it to other people. I never want to stop acting, and I'd love to spread the positive impact it had on me to other individuals as well! Please let me know on CCC beforehand if you would like to contact me on Discord as I don't respond to or accept friend requests from people I don't know or don't have mutual servers with. I hope you have a wonderful day!!


If given the option, my rates are $0.15 per word =D

What Cai Spinner is looking for

I love being rambunctious little children, I have so much fun saying their lines. But really any role that provides a challenge for me will spark my interest.

  • @vaguy3

    Hi, I'm making an abridged series/fandub of Naruto with my friends, and I was wondering if you would be interested in voicing Ino Yamanaka and Konohamaru. It's been hard casting them, so I would appreciate it if there was a VA. If you have Discord, you can friend me at ThePickleBoi#3661 to record.


  • @binxtiny_tail

     Cai is such an amazing person to work with. I promise you won't regret hiring them. Even with such a busy schedule they are able to record and submit their lines on time and they take pride doing it. The emotion in their voice is phenomenal, capturing the moods of scenes perfectly!