Ada Vaughan

Ada Vaughan

I am a 24 year old trans femme voice actor with experience voicing both masculine and feminine roles.

Joined May 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About Ada Vaughan

Hi there, my name is Ada, thanks for reading my profile! I am an amateur voice actor who is trying to pursue this more professionally. Since 2022, I have worked on a few projects as a voiceover artist as a hobby and really enjoyed it, in fact being a voice actor in a video game or anime was always a dream job of mine as a kid! Being transgender, I went through some vocal feminization practice. Going through that gave me more confidence in controlling my voice, and I decided to give voice acting a try. Now I have gotten a bit of experience voicing both masculine and feminine roles, and I can't wait to get more!

For a bit more info on me personally, I am also a professional software developer as well as an amateur model. I spend a lot of my free times playing video games or watching shows, as well as making and listening to music.

What Ada Vaughan is looking for

Either feminine or masculine voicing roles. I would love to do character voices for animations, video games, etc. I also really enjoy storytelling, narration, audio books.