

Joined Apr 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About Yangzen

Hey there, thanks for checking out my profile! My name is Jetryn Yang and I am here to try out voice acting! I have wanted to dip my toes into voice acting for a while now, and this site really caught my eye! I have a bit of experience with voices for DND and singing, but I haven't ever really done it fully and wanted to try it out! I may be new, but I want to try my best and see what I can do! Thanks for the read, and I hope I can work with you!


I don't really have a price yet! I just am doing this for fun!

What Yangzen is looking for

I honestly love the carefree and playful nature of doing dumb voiceovers for anime. Dragon Ball Z Abridged was a huge inspiration for me, so that is mainly the type of projects I would love to be working on.