

Garnering experience so I can fill out this field appropriately.  

Joined Sep 2023 1 Following2 Followers
About Shibayushi

Stepping out from the microcosm of community theatre and daydreams to find a greater (ie “broader”) creative outlet. Life is more than shoe repair and orthopedic care, and spending gobs of time doing nothing, so…so there!

I have done various tiny bits of voiceover for places such as my church and workplace, as well as covering an Irish accented character for my dad in an audiobook he was recording. That was a good move on his part.

Writing is one of my favorite ways to express my (very) strong emotions, usually in narrative or script format, though sometimes in in very odd..poetry? One of my life ambitions is to finish a novel, or series of novels as it may be, since the universe keeps expanding, and voice it. I would like to do my vision justice, while learning from, collaborating with and helping other people fulfill theirs!

Purdue University - 2000


Instructed by Various

Don’t feel like paying for a transcript to find out what exactly the courses were, but I took a couple of intro/acting classes as well as a slew of technical courses. And a makeup class!

Community Courses - 1999


Instructed by So long ago…

During my time as a young student (read: high school), I partook of several mini-courses/lectures on topics such as auditioning. Very instructive. 

Voice Coaching - 1998

Private Coaching

Instructed by Also so long ago..

In high school (again), I took three years’ worth of vocal coaching for singing. Honestly, never thought I’d be listing this for credentials. 

Incidental Instruction - 2001

“Here’s how you do it.”

Instructed by Scott Fults

This one, I do remember who taught me! During a few productions at my local community theatre, I had in-depth discussions that were more than mere direction. I learned a lot from Scott. 


We’ll get there. Right now, just for fun and experience. 

What Shibayushi is looking for

I’m looking primarily for voiceover work, although “work” isn’t quite the word I’d use. “Challenges” is more like it. 

I am also open to writing at this time. Depending on how exactly that works, I may continue to be, but I’ve never written in this context before. 

As for styles and content, I suppose my preferences will be a developing theme for the time being. Open to anything, at this point. 

Wow, looking at it, I am really not a social media person…not surprising.