Jordin Marie

Jordin Marie

Young Aspiring Black Voice Actress! Nice to meet you! :)

Joined May 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About Jordin Marie

Hey! My name is Jordin and this is were I'm starting my voice actress journey! I'm 16 and I love watching anime and playing games. For right now since I'm trying to rack up experience and skill with voice acting, I would be happy to voice for projects that you have for free. Be aware that I am a high school student so I will be a little busy at times but I will try my best to accommodate you as best as I can! :)



What Jordin Marie is looking for

I joined CCC to start my voice over journey! Everyone has to start somewhere to eventually get where they want to be. I think starting with CCC will get me some experience and skills to be able to get better and bigger! Even if I just got to audition for an official character would be amazing and mean a lot to me. I want to work my way up and eventually get casted for an official anime or video game!