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Search all 4041 animator castillian spanish profiles
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Director, and Producer
Here Evama Animation (but you can call me Evama or Eva) I'm a she animator from Spain, and i work on a web animated series called LIONS' LIGHT.
I make naughty art. And occasional animations.
I am a Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
I make so much naughty art...Now I want to be able to give it a voice weather it is animated or even an animatic!
Support and Find Me on these sites!Patreon
Skills and Interests: acapella singing animation nsfw
7 Years of Mine-Imator Experience with focus on Narrative Animation
I am a Animator, Writer, Director, and Producer
I am a storyteller, I write and animate what comes to mind in the only way I can express it, Minecraft animations.I run Minecracker Entertainment, a group of channels who create videos of a variety of topics at varying success in varying time intervals. With the bulk of our popular works being my animations.To contact me for any reason, please DM me here or on Discord. starbucksiswrong
Speaks: english
Artist, Character Designer, Voice Actor, Cinematic, Graphic Designer, Sound Editor/Designer/Recordist (ADR Editor, Field Recordings and Foley Artist), Game Designer, Electronic Music Composer, Saxophonist and Theatrical Cinematography.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Nicholas Judy is an artist, character designer, voice actor, cinematic, graphic designer, sound editor/deisgner/recordist, adr editor, field recordist, foley artist, game designer, electronic music composer, saxophonist and theatrical cinematographer at Flaming Ghost Studios, graphic designer/print work at JudyGRAFIX, photographer, illustrator, creator, reader and writer at CAMworks Studios and sound effects librarian/editor/designer/recordist, field recordist and foley artist of the RoosterSounds ultimate sound effects library.
Skills and Interests: academic reading adobe adobe after effects adobe creative cloud adr editor adr scripting/directing anime dubbing audacity audacity (noise reduction) audio editing (audacity) audio mastering audio mixing audio postproduction audio recording background art design background music beatboxing belching bilingual blender bowling broadcasting business camera cgi commercial voice overs creating characters creative creative development creative thinking creative writing dancing drawing (2d traditional/digital) drawing (anime/manga style) dubbing electronic music composition emotional voice acting epic ethereal evil laugh excited expressive fast talking fat guy field recording film directing/writing/producing film/television performance foley effects game art gentleman gibberish graphics/logo work heroic voice horror hyperactive idea making illustrating impressions inkscape japanese singing journalism keyboard/piano kkm layout design lyric writing map design modeling 3d music arranging music composition music editing music mixing music performance music scoring narrations / voice acting / audio editing nintendo performance pixel art plot development plot writer poet poster design post production powerpoint radio announcer radio chatter references saxaphonist screaming screaming into a mic screenwriting script script editing scriptwriting set design sims 4 slurred sound effects with my voice soundtrack speaking speech spotlight operation(theatrical) testing transcripting transcription various accents vegas pro video creator/editor vocal performance voice editing voice effects watching anime watching tv and movies watercolors working long/odd hours working with others
Buenas, soy Thomas, una persona de habla hispana, después a ayudar a proyectos cortos y rápidos, que no me ocupen demasiado tiempo, a la vez que en algún futuro intentaré hacer mis propios proyectos.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, and Writer
Mi youtube: Twitch: instagram: tik tok de dibujos: tik tok animaciones:
Speaks: spanish
Setup: krita
Skills and Interests: castillian spanish
Tiny Beginner with Voice Acting
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Animator
Self taught artist and looking foward to work for someone on Character illustrations and Animations! Currently learning to VA~
Voice Description: female teen
Hola Soy mar7223, soy animadora 2D y estoy creando una serie llamada the guardians of onward, es como un "PLUS" de la serie original Onward el origen de todo ( rasack Laughing Factory) lo podeis encontrar en youtube, instagram, tik tok y pinterest
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, and Writer
La serie trata de como una adolescente de casi 18 años llamada Mar7223 que se ve que es Reina de un pequeño pueblo( Atlantas) de un mundo llamado Onward donde los últimos años ha estado envuelta en guerras, asesinatos etc.
Nuestra protagonista es fácil de reconocer es una Golden retriever antropomórfica de largas cabelleras de color crema, sus ojos azul turquesa, guantes negros y azules a juego con un collar con una malaquita que tiene un significado emocionalmente importante en Mar, ya que dentro de la gema de ese collar lleva un poco de su difunta madre Perséfone que murió tras un ataque epiléptico mientras dormía. Sobre su personalidad es una chica muy alegre, leal y cariñosa pero a la vez es muy energética, protectora y letal cuando les hacen daño a sus seres queridos. Y para terminar sus habilidades son la natación, resistencia al frio, manipulación de todas las aguas sin impo...
Search all 4041 animator castillian spanish profiles