

I simply want to be apart of projects that mean something to people and give a voice to characters that change and move people. I'm here to learn, experience and grow! 

Joined Mar 2024 2 Following7 Followers
About Kristen

From 2004 until 2013 I was active in the arts department of my high school and college curriculum. From juggling both a play and marching to community theater to performing my first musical on a college stage, I've had a love for acting. A few performances of mine are -

  • "Half a Prince Is Better than None" - short story turned play. Performed in SC in 2009. (Narrator 1)

  • Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Flee Street - USC Upstate Shoestring Performance - 2011 (Ensemble)

  • The Female Odd Couple ( Indie Film) - 2011 - USC Upstate

  • For colored girls who have considered suicide / when the rainbow is enuf - Performed at Lander University - 2012 (Lady in Brown)

  • "No Mother of Mine" - Independent Film for Lander University's Indie Film Festival (Written and Directed by Asia Fountain) - 2013

I also have a deep history with music. I was a band kind since 2004 until I graduated high school in 2010 as well as auditioning and earning a spot in the local high school's Music Gifted and Talented Program.

I've had a love for voice acting as it was the first form of art I ever felt drawn to. From The Lion King to Frozen and everything in between and while I have always pushed to be an actress, my life has settled and the dust is cleared and I made a choice.

That I was going to hold onto this particular dream and see it through!


As a beginner in this field I do NOT expect compensation :) Just a chance to be apart of something amazing! 

What Kristen is looking for

Anything. As a newcomer into this field, I'm looking for experiences.