

人と上手くコミュニケーション取れないのにコミュニケーションについて学んでいる大学生です。人の心を圧倒する悲しみと傷に対処したい。二児の母🐭🧀🐭  https://beacons.ai/IzumiKyuuhime

Joined Nov 2021 3 Following0 Followers
About ☆【いづみ★吸血姫】☆


My Name Is: Izumi Kyuuhime! 

ଘ(๑˃̶  ᵥᵥ ᵒ̴̶̷๑)و━☆゚・。・•ू:≡( ε:) I'm a troublesome HikiNEETotaku. I'm a rotten radiowave type. I live exclusively in 2D ~ and am most active at night 🧀🐀


I'm available for hire in the Summer (May 14th ~ Aug 23rd) and Winter break (Dec 16th ~ January 1st) outside of those time stamps I'm swamped with academic obligations that I cannot put off no matter what. Since I desperately need to keep my GPA up, so this is non-negotiable on my end.


P.S: I do have a lisp (I can't pronounce things like "other" without it sounding like "utter") so keep this in mind.


P.S.S: I've had a breathing tube shoved down my throat on two separate occasions and an endoscope once in the context of in/outpatient surgical procedures. So my voice isn't what it used to be due to this my voice will become fatigued more easily than most, but even so... I would still like to do my best in my auditions and it would make me happy to be chosen.


My subsequent decision to pursue voice acting occurred when I realized that such a dream isn't so farfetched or unattainable.


I believe that the best is yet to come, I'd like to gain some experience as well as a good standing within the community and improve in my voice acting as I go along. If selected I promise to perform in a way that far exceeds your expectations. I'm incredibly excited to see what my future holds and I'm looking forward to getting to know others who have similar goals and aspiration. I hope that you'll be kind and courteous with me as I take my time learning the trade. I would appreciate it if you would be sensible and civil with any opprobrium you hold in regards to any auditions I have submitted. I'll also be thankful if you provide me with only well deserved encomium. I will ignore any and all vilification of any form. Anyhow I will always appreciate it when you come visit me on my profile page feel free to do so as often as you like! (੭ु。╹▿╹。)੭ु⁾⁾

For those of you who have created or are planning on creating visual novel or otome games... I'd like you to know that I am quite familiar with the genre and if you'd like I can offer my undeniable support in a role if granted such a wondrous opportunity. No matter what, I'll always be cheering for you wholeheartedly from the side lines, even if the role is granted to someone else that auditioned for the same part. When it comes down to it... I am well aware and know that these type of games aren't yet popularized in the west, but I would like for that to change. If enough people can see that VN/Otome games aren't just simply for entertainment purposes, they will find that they offer a unique and valuable form of story telling and have a lot to bring to the forefront in terms of cultural & personal significance. Part of the reason that I am pursuing voice acting is because I would like to be involved in a game that is similar to the ones that have been pulling me through rough times. I am also doing this as a means of making the most use of my talents so I don't stagnate during my Summer and Winter breaks. I hope that with these auditions I submit that I'll be chosen for a role and in the process will be able to improve my voice acting skills along the way.

Since I am severely housebound (I rarely leave my home unless it's for medical or academic obligations) I am limited to an a humble at home setting that isn't studio grade in terms of acoustics, even so... I will preform to the best of my ability and all I ask is that I be provided with equal opportunity to audition. No matter what happens, I promise I will strive to prove my worth ~ ! (-∀-艸)。・ ✩


Before I go on any further... I would like to thank you first for the incredible & wonderous opportunities you'll be presenting to me.  I would be honored if you would allow me to get to know and embody your original characters to my fullest ability as your story unfold and blossom to their purest form. Together we'll be able to get one step closer to our goals.  (人ゝω・)~⁺♡


For the most part I'm fine with taking most projects. I've got open availability during my summer and winter breaks at the times I specified at the top while introducing myself, during my breaks from school I become a part-time HikiNEET who's got nothing better to do, so feel free to contact me through here for inquiries. I will almost always audition for anything that I find interesting, however if you've got a specific project in the works and would like for me personally to take on the role and voice act in it no matter what... then please feel free (and don't hesitate) to reach out to me! I may be a vampire, but I don't bite that hard. ( ゝᵥᵥ ᵒ̴̶̷)~ ウィンク  


i'm a self taught polyhobbyist. I am starting this journey in the hopes of  someday being able to become a pro-voice actress for visual novel, indie, and otome games. I'd like to get scouted to do voice work for a project you're passionate about! (´つヮ⊂)♡´


On another note, even though I also enjoy drawing and writing, well... they are mostly just personal hobbies for me rather than a profession. I'll take inquires on a case by case basis in these areas. I am open to potentially taking on literary requests since I've done ghost writing for clients in the past... ✍️(๑❛ワ❛๑)✨For now though I'm more likely to apply and will be mainly open to being contacted for roles in anything even if it's something miscellaneous or out of the norm (So far someone hired me to sing 'You are my Sunshine' for them. They said they were happy with it since apparently they just wanted to use it to help them fall asleep at night. I could do something like that upon request or even just a simple voice clip that can be used as an alarm or custom ringtone? An opportunity is an opportunity.


Again, if you want me (no matter what) to voice a particular character you feel my voice would be perfect for please send me a message! I'd love to help out to make your dreams come true! ଘ(๑˃̶ ᴗ ᵒ̴̶̷๑)و ̑̑ ˂ᵒ͜͡ᵏᵎ⁾✩


If you need to contact me, you may do so through... ( ・ ̫・)੭ु⁾⁾☎ (Casting Call Club 💌 or Anonymously through my Q&A links)


My Discord ID: (Communication must start through Casting Call Club first, I will only provide my Discord ID if I've determined it's an ideal role or miscellaneous voice work for me to take)

I will only maintain communication if it's in the context of a project or a future project, if we're going to be in communication it must not delve into personal matters it must only be in the context of voice acting/potential roles. I don't communicate with others outside of a business context so if the inquiry or information being relayed isn't in context of a voice acting role I will not reciprocate with a reply if my attempt to delegate the chat back towards the task at hand proves unsuccessful. If it still isn't going as expected... I will have to put an end to the correspondence. I am not willing to communicate over video chat, so don't ask for this since it is not a reasonable request (I will only provide a voiced reply if it's in the context of reciting lines related to the role I auditioned in or am being scouted for) outside of those contexts... communication must remain solely through typed out exchanges. I am a slow typer though, and I extensively read over/edit/review what I've typed before sending a reply back, so I would require patience and understanding on that front. Please look over my availability schedule brought up in my formal introduction at the top of this page if such availably is too lackluster then please seek out another to provide equal opportunity in terms of employment. 🙇‍♀️



                          🧸 ヘ(◕。◕ヘ) 


ヘ(◕。◕ヘ)🧸 🧸                              🧸ヘ(◕。◕ヘ)






Just remember that with me it's always a first come first serve basis. ೕ(˃̵ᴗ˂̵ ๑) 。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆Thank you!。・::・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 


P.S:・゚✧I'm age appropriate enough for NSFW voice acting as well, and may be willing to voice act lewd scenes. If anyone is interested in scouting me to do 18+ content. In such an instance the person making the request must be 18+ too.


Visual Novel Companies I look to for inspiration/mood boards:LiarSoft, Nitro+, Type-Moon, Sekai Project, Key, 07th Expansion, Leaf, MediaWorks ( 株式会社メディアワークス), KID Corp, Otomate, Idea Factory, Innocent Grey, Circus (Kadokawa Shoten),  etc. have created visual novel/otome game wise.

・゚✧If your project is something you're truly impassioned about... I would be more than happy to offer my NSFW voice services, on a case by case basis, however I will state that I would like to someday be able to voice act for a story line / overall plot of a game that is both engaging and original and capable of drawing out of the audience a strong emotional response... like how Katawa Shoujo, Narcissu, Juniper’s Knot, Seoul Horror, etc. did for me. In such instances I'll 100% take on the role for the original character you'd like me to voice act for! (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ㅂ˂̣̣̥)੭ु


(FYI, I love the tear jerkers and horror/mystery types best ~)

College Student - 2024

Traditional Artist

Instructed by


Education wise I only have a GED, even so I still managed to get into college with just that.

I would like to complete my MBA and continue my pursuit for a higher form of education *⁂ლ(。-﹏-。 ლ)⁂*. I'm hoping if I can manage to do more freelance work along with selling some of my handmade stuffies that'll hopefully be enough to finance me during my dry spells outside of my usual seasonal employments (I've been chronically unemployed student for quite awhile though). Hopefully I'll soon find myself a well paying full-time career, with a 401k, health benefits, a pension, room for promotion, etc... Anyhow, I'm looking forward to auditioning for new roles. I have high hopes for this site.

🎙️*:゚*。(✿ꈍ。 ꈍ✿)



If I'm chosen by you the creator for the part you can make the agreed payment to my PayPalMe.

Overall I'm really looking forward to being able to gain more experience and improve in my voice acting skills with each audition and role. 

(/≧ω\) tehe~♡ [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅?)̲̅$̲̅]。・ ✩

What ☆【いづみ★吸血姫】☆ is looking for


My main voice acting goal, other than to get chosen by someone to become a voice actor for an original character that's part of a wonderful game and along the way gain for myself recognition and a lifelong career doing what I love, is to be able to afford to improve my diminishing quality of life.

♡⑅⃝◌ ✧˖°॰ॱ (ूˊ͈ ꒳ ॢˋ͈♡)໒꒱⁼³₌₃⋆✶⁎∘