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Voice Actor, Book writer and something of an artist yeah that's a lot but I have even more to offer. Je sais beaucoup de casquettes pour une seul tête , ne vous inquiétez j'ai assez de ressource pour acheter des portes chapeaux .
I am a Voice Actor and Writer
Chef du petit collectif Vox Society qui vise à faire s'épanouir un groupe de comédien de doublage amateur vers de nouveau horizons , partageant par la même occasion des projets qui jusqu'à lors n'auraient pas pu arriver doublé à notre beau publique français. Me contacter? Kylhyan#9695
Accents: british
Voice Description: male adult male teen
Skills and Interests: voice acting
Amateur but aspiring VA with hopes for future professional VA work. Please msg me via Discord @byeomi Twt @byeomi__ or e-mail [email protected]. Only interested in ENG voice work to hone my skill in that language, thank you!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
PL national living in the UK (pardon accent). 
I am a huge old school anime/manga nerd and English GAME voice work lover (Nier Games, Genshin Impact, FF14, Supergiant Games like BASTION, Transistor, Hades!!!). I adore story based stuff with deep characters that come alive on the screen, I love to channel the energy of some of them. 
I am also a hobbyist cosplayer and twitch VTuber. You can find me in my "semi-natural" habitat over at >> or <<
When it comes to specs I use; it's not much. For recordings I use Audacity w/ Blue Spark and U-Phoria UM2.For streams I clear my voice a bit with some filters but not much. 
I don't have much but I have dreams and wishes :')
PS. Only interested in ENG voice work to hone my skill in that language, thank you!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Live Actor
Speaks: english
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