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I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Writer, and Live Actor
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Writer
Hello! My name is Para or Gaylene, I'm a freelance artist, writer, and up and coming voice actor. I currently work for Teh Lunchbox Publications, a Maryland based social media and entertainment company. I am also a writer, and artist for a Visual novel company called Bygesa games. My links are:CREATIVE-CLOWN (@paranormiac) / Twitter
Gaylene (@creativeclownin) • Instagram photos and videos

Speaks: english
Imagine if microphones had feelings?
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Please, enjoy your time on my profile.
I have experience in everything media, including editing, sound design and screenplay but on CCC I'm exclusively doing VA.
Voice Description: male young adult
Im 20 and I still sound like a prepubescent child...
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, and Live Actor
My name is Allen & sometimes go by Ivan... I would say that I am a beginner voice actor who gradually wants to do different projects to get better at acting...
Speaks: english
Just a guy who do be a little silly~
I am a Voice Actor
Voice Description: male young adult
Search all 2843 voice actor philipino profiles