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Voice actor looking to work in fandubs and original works!
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, and Writer
Hi, I'm ZZ/Peach! Aspiring to do some voice acting work and singing.I'm 19 and I can do feminine voices ranging from young kids to young adults, and can voice androgynous characters and young boys. I'm currently casted in six different projects as a voice actor, one of which being a project I direct (I will link the YouTube and Tumblr for said project). I'm a self taught singer after a six year hiatus, and my range is alto/mezzo soprano, although I'm working as hard as I can to improve. You can reach me at ZZDaWeirdo on Discord!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, and Video Editor
Bonjourrr  !! I'm a 18 years old french beginner voice actor who also translates, draws and does some video editing :3 I’m a man and goes by he/him, I have a feminine voice so I mostly do female roles. I speak both French (native) and English, and I am here in hopes to improve !!
I'm new to CCC so I'm unsure how this goes but I hope you'll support me !!Discord is sakkitenmas 
Search all 1318 video editor translating lyrics profiles