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Professional voice artist from Australia.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hey, I'm Anna! Welcome to my profile! I've been voice acting for a couple years now, working for both professional and amateur projects. Aside from voice acting, I am also a singer, filmmaker and composer, and am currently studying sound engineering full time! I'm excited to be here and can't wait to work with you!(If you are wanting to get in contact with me, just send me a message via this website!:D)
Location: Geelong, Australia 
Website: annafayevoice.comSocial: Instagram
IMDB: Anna Faye
YouTube: Anna Faye Films & Anna Faye MusicI have recently created a Facebook group for anyone seeking paid voice over work: Voice Over Jobs - Paid Only
Skills and Interests: piano compositions singing
A voice for every idea | Discord: Raishiwi
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
ProfessionalQuick TurnaroundQuick ResponseVersatile
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