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Search all 3413 live actor Trans male profiles
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
Hi, my name is Archer Young-Stone, but I also go by archiedoodler or just Archie! My pronouns are he/him/his and I’m a voiceover and stage actor!
Speaks: english
TTRPG performer, producer, and podcaster. Free Palestine
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Writer, and Live Actor
I'm a TTRPG performer, facilitator, podcaster, sensitivity consultant, and hobbyist voiceover artist! 
BunnHunnVT Debut Lore Video: Narrator, WriterMonster Fuckers Anonymous: Podcast
Speaks: english
Beginner voice actor looking to take part in some fun projects for experience :)
I am a Voice Actor and Live Actor
I’m a 31 year old trans male who is passionate in acting with my vocal cords.Never had much confidence, so wanting to try something new! I have a mixed voice, ranging from high to low. Husky to soft. I’m experimenting and learning new techniques everyday, and would love to learn and experience more!
Speaks: english
Voice Description: male adult Trans male
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Writer, and Live Actor
Speaks: english
Accents: british
Hi :3
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Writer, and Live Actor
Trans Male, Pre-transition so will probably be auditioning for female roles. Newly started voice actor.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, and Live Actor
Speaks: english
Voice Description: Trans male
Search all 3413 live actor Trans male profiles