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I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Real name: Seán LarssonCountry: CanadaSpoken Languages: English and French (Canadian)
I'm an amateur voice actor, 3D digital artist, game designer, and twitch streamer. I haven't been very active on this website for a few years, as I was struggling to have the energy and the right space to do voice acting. While my situation is better now, I haven't really been applying to any work at the moment, as I'm still in an apartment, and so I have to be careful of what voice acting I can do.
In terms of voices that I can do. I feel like I'm good at doing announcer voices, as well as some over the top voice acting. I even have fun making different voices in my Twitch streams, where I voice the characters of games I play, when they themselves don't have any vocal dialogue. I would like to do things more professionally, but I'm content being a hobbyist for the time being.
I do realize t...
Voice Description: male young adult
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Live Actor
I am a transgender female actor with good control of my voice throughout the female and male range. I am comfortable with roles including gender fluidity, pagan and magical concepts, alternative medicine, acupuncture, Chinese medicine and more. In general, I'm a laid-back, middle-aged adult and am fairly new to the voice acting field. 
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female adult male adult
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