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[email protected] Masculine, Deep Voice. If you want it done right the first time. Fast, accurate and fun to work with. Karl is your VO guy.
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, and Live Actor
I invite you to hear my voice and sample my demos at
Hello I'm Karl.I am a very talented voice over artist and actor, my voice is a great match for Intellectual, enthusiastic, storytelling and intriguing voiceovers. 
The warm, smooth, resonance of my voice makes a perfect fit for radio or television commercials, promotions, and dramatic narration. 
My story telling skills are great for audio books with narration so dynamic that my warm and rich baritone voice will draw you into the story swiftly and easily. The charming, calming and trust worthy persuasion of my delivery will smoothly and happily woo people into purchasing whatever it is you wish for them to buy. 
I'm a touring Voiceover talent currently traveling around the USA in my RV. Literally freedom in a box... with wheels. 
Contact me for my very competitive rates and for a consultation of my...
Speaks: english
Voice Description: Masculine Male
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