Quinn Lewis

Quinn Lewis

Joined Apr 2021 0 Following0 Followers
About Quinn Lewis

Hello my name is Quinn I am 29 years old, I've always been interested in voice acting ever since I was 10. From trying to repeat lines over and over again to get voices down in video games and in movies, from SpongeBobs laugh to Mario/Luigi to Sylvester/Arnold and so on. To even trying to imitate voices in Elder Scrolls like Khajiit. Although when I was younger I never sought out to pursue voice acting. But at this time of my Life I don't want to look back and realized I missed a chance to be much better than I am now. Although I just recently opened up my account to audition for Skywind, a remake for Morrowind with Skyrim Engine. I will plan on afterwards trying to pursue other jobs as well. I know in the future I need to come up with a Demo Audio of most of the things I can do.