

90% Writer, 10% Parrot

Joined Sep 2021 3 Following0 Followers
About LoupS

Nonbinary TTRPG and LARP writer branching out into audio drama, interested in comedy, fantasy and horror. Voice acting also possible! I can do most UK accents and a number of others. But not Geordie, my housemate and I have an accord on that front.

Pronouns: They/them or ey/em


Flat rate minimum £5/$6 per episode whilst I am still honing my skills writing for audio, willing to work on unpaid projects that are seeking crowdfunding if it's in one of my preferred genres and seems interesting.   

What LoupS is looking for

Looking for - collaborative writing projects, podcasts who need another writer. Voice acting if I like the look of the project, but this is not my primary interest.