Julius Williams

Julius Williams

Your friendly theatre and acting fanatic here! 

Joined Jun 2023 0 Following0 Followers
About Julius Williams

Hello! Julius here!

Recently completed Level 2 Performing Arts at Weymouth College with four distinctions, being the highest possible mark.

I am going onto level 3 performing arts at Weymouth College.

I have had previous acting and performance education from Stage Coach, Strictly Stage Theatre school and many different workshops specifically made for acting and musical theatre. 

I have been acting all my life participating in productions in; Les Misérables, The Tempest, Bouncers, Dracula, Fairy-tales and many more!

I will not just act in your production or performance but I will offer advice to make it the best it can be! 

I cant wait to work with you all! 


Pricing can be discussed over email or any social media.

What Julius Williams is looking for

On-site performances, theatre performances, films, etc.