

Your average I am a non-professional Content creator/ Voice actor and High class noob.

Joined Dec 2016 69 Following92 Followers
About Jaeden-Man89

Greetings, my name is Jaeden Walton, also known as Jaeden-Man89. I am a non-professional content creator, voice actor, and high class noob. My primary focus involves producing non-profit, pro-bono comic dubs inspired by a diverse range of cartoons and video games.

My skill set encompasses proficiency in drawing, video editing, basic music composition, and the creation of
mediocre YouTube videos for peoples entertainment.

If you're interested, contact me at my email or discord

jaedenwalton @gmail .comĀ 


I am open to contributing to various projects in the capacities of editing, illustrating, or providing voice talent. However, I must emphasize my preference to abstain from involvement in any projects of explicit or inappropriate nature.

What Jaeden-Man89 is looking for

While I engage in these activities primarily as a hobby, I am open to compensation for my services. For any project involving drawing, voice acting, or editing, my highest proposed rate is $20. If you are agreeable to remunerating my contributions, I can provide my Cash App details via direct message for payment processing.

  • @darknightprincess

    Jaeden Man's content is really good, especially his comic dubs. I have been voicing Peach for quite a few of his YouTube videos. I love the quality of his editing and how he finishes videos quite quickly. Working with Jaeden is amazing ^^

  • @vendettadylan_

    Jaeden here is highly generous and very helpful especially as one of his many voice actors. Whether you're starting out and looking for comic dub to partake in or new and well experienced, Jaeden here is more than happy to take you on board, and more than happy to grant new opportunities as time goes on.