

Joined Jun 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About Il_Tenore_Forte

The difference between an artist and an artisan is whether or not you let the medium shape you to what it should be, or if you shape it.

Hello, My Name is Luke Thatcher, and as the username states, I am a loud Tenor. If I could explain myself a bit better, I was a theater and media kid back in high school, and went to college to learn that I have a bit more of a knack for being onstage than that kid you voted most likely to be on Broadway. I got my start as a musical theater kid, but I ended up getting a masters in music with a focus on voice in college. That's fancy for "I sing everything" which includes-but is not limited to- opera, jazz, musical theater, pop, hard rock, punk rock, alternative rock, a Capella, rap, rhythm and blues,contemporary art song, and experimental music. Don't let the musicians background fool you though, I have always had a strong affinity for using my voice both onstage and off, even when its not singing.   I've done a little bit of everything, all from co-creating a youtube Chanel, leading a collegiate A Capella group, writing and recording an album, but my main claim to fame is my voice and acting skills, as I have worked with opera companies and have been compensated for my efforts. I haven't found a place to put it here yet, but I do have a living artistic resume if you would like an overview of what I have done academically and professionally.

I humbly look forward with working with you if you will accept me, and am excited to see what journey I will travel with the Casting Call Club!