
Hail and well met fellow travelers! Just your friendly neighborhood nerd trying her hand at another creative outlet. I’m an author, film student, and artist who needs to be dabbling with a projects at all times to stay sane but y’know, at least I have fun doing it.

Joined Dec 2022 2 Following3 Followers
About Iris

Even though I stared my first novel, officially, when I was fourteen, I’ve been a storyteller since I can remember. I’ve also always had an affinity for both acting and voice acting. So I might use this platform to participate in other people’s projects, as well as explore the vast internet wilds for talented folks looking to co-create with me.

Also, I’m in my second year of uni, so that’s a time constricting thing to keep in mind, but we’ll manage.

(Currently working on a podcast and videogame with some very incredible friends of mine, so I’m sure I’ll be on the lookout for fellow nerds to join the creative process soon.)

  • @whateverurself

    The best person ever. Just kidding (not really) grew up together, and only over the summer did we really start clicking with our creative pursuits and are working on a super awesome project together (that we're very determined to see in fruition despite our busy schedules). Super reliable and diverse with her skillset and especially good with fantasy work,. Also definitely gonna be a movie director for some elaborate indie fantasy film one day.