

Hello! I hope you are having a good day so far!I am a hobbyist who enjoys going on some crazy adventures. My recent adventure has been getting into V.A. I am very much a beginner, level 0, no experience so I hope to learn a lot from this community and to give as much as I can!

Joined Jun 2023 0 Following0 Followers
About Christi

Hi! The surname is Christi! Nice to meet you!

I am originally from an African country that mainly speaks French and that a lot of people may never have heard of. I am currently a full-time college student in South Korea.

Growing up, I always had an interest in the arts and sciences. Growing up in an African country, working in the arts was never really considered a suitable option, so I chose my second interest to become the field of work that I will probably do for the rest of my life while keeping the arts as a precious part of me.

When I say the arts, I mean writing, singing, dancing, drawing, and acting—more theatral. I have written a lot in French, and writing in English is a territory that I want to engage in, and I have been recently trying to come up with something to write. But I still have a long way to go.

I have been singing for as long as I can remember. My mom and one of my older sisters were and are both part of the worship team in church, as I am now. I am by no means at the level of any worship leader out there; here again, I have a long way to go.

Dancing is maybe my "weakest" hobby. I love moving my body to the rhythm of the song, but I don't have a lot of opportunities to do so. Still, I would not turn down the opportunity to learn one or two new moves!

Drawing on the other side is the "strongest", just like singing (and writing too), and I have been doing it for a long time. And I reached the point where I truly desired to do some crazy stuff, but my inconsistency and lack of direction are slowing down the process of me getting better. One day I will be able to put on canvas all that my imagination has to offer!

Now acting!

I had some acting classes when I was in middle school, but transitioning to high school, our school has this policy where you could only take one art, drawing, acting, or music class, and I went for drawing! But my love for the other two didn't go away!

And it is no surprise that now I am into voice acting! I truly love the idea of having a character come to life. Compared to acting, my actual appearance doesn't really matter, and I love it! I have no big dream of getting into the industry fully; who knows what will happen? I just want to learn more about this world and get some feedback since nobody has ever heard my voice acting. I actually have no idea if I am decent or not!

I am good at taking criticism, so if I am trash, please let me know!

On that note!

Thank you for reading my life story! Ahah! I hope that I will have a great time here and learn a lot!


Available for non commercial projects

What Christi is looking for

I want to do some non-commercial projects. At the point where I am, I don't need to receive any money I just need experience. But at the same time I don't want to be working for somebody for free when someone else could be paid for the same job.

Experience, experience is what I want to get out of it. I join Casting Call Club because the club that we have here is fully in Korean...I am very interested into acting and I truly want to just get myself out there and actually learn the craft through direct fails, errors and maybe some successes.